Prevention of Child Labour and Trafficking

Prevention of Child Labour and Trafficking: 

This project aims to leverage the power of grassroots communities to drive down a reduction in child labour 5 districts of Uttar Pradesh. 

  • The project impacts the rural population and empower communities and survivors to gather field data and facilitate support to focus government action against child labour specifically address vulnerabilities deepened by covid-19 namely lack of access to healthcare, education and a rural safety net. 

  • The project is being implemented in order to Leverage government structures and funding to reduce child our and debt bondage. 
The project is supporting communities and survivors in sharing this data with the Gram Panchayats, government at local and State levels as well as generating widespread awareness.

  • The project team is facilitating effective and timely education-related cash transfers and access to education to prevent marginalized children from child labour. MSEMVS focuses gathering data from the community and School Management Committees on the gaps that prevent vulnerable children from attending school and becoming child labourers. Secondly supporting communities, survivors, and School Management Committees in sharing this data with the government at local and State levels as well as generating widespread awareness.

  • Preventing child labour caused by lack of access to healthcare through organizing district-level camps with the support of the local government to assist vulnerable communities in accessing healthcare insurance. Gathering data from the community on the gaps in access to healthcare insurance that result in families and children entering into debt bondage and child labour. Supporting the participation of community members, survivors and Village Health 
and Sanitation Committees in State-level meetings to support government’s efforts to link education and prevention of child labour. 

  • Preventing child labour by inclusion of marginalized communities (vulnerable to child labour) in MNREGA job creation and resource allocation through Supporting the regular and effective use of Rozgar Diwas to validate demand for rural employment guarantee under the MNREGA Schemegathering data from the community on the gaps in accessing government-funded employment and delays in wages that result in families and children entering into debt bondage and child labour.

Project Location 

The project is being implemented across five districts, six blocks and 160 communities across Uttar Pradesh.