Mr. Bhanuja Sharan Ph.D.
Mr. Bhanuja Sharan Lal, Director of MSEMVS was awarded a “2014 Hero Acting To End Modern Slavery Award” in June 2014 ( please see- Each year, the US Department of State honors individuals around the world who have devoted their lives to the fight against human trafficking. They are recognized for their efforts to protect victims, punish offenders, and raise awareness of ongoing criminal practices. Mr. Bhanuja Sharan Lal was awarded for his exemplary efforts to empower communities, progressively dismantle entrenched system of modern slavery , operating a shelter for sex trafficking survivors and offer education to former child laborer.
Mr. Ramkrishna Sharma M.B.A.
Chief Executive Officer - MSEMVS
Mr. Dhirendra Kumar Chaursia
Finance Officer- MSEMVS
Mr. Manoj Kumar Mishra I.R.P.M.
Documentation - MSEMVS
Mr. Ganesh Prasad Viswkarma
District Project Co-ordinator, Chandauli – MSEMVS
Mr. Rajkumar Kushwaha MSW
Project Co-ordinator, Teree Des Hommes (Germany) Project -MSEMVS