MSEMVS- Manav Sansadhan Evam Mahila Vikas Sansthan is a registered society under Socities Registration Act 1860-XXI. It is also registered under FCRA Act.
MANAV SANSADHAN EVAM MAHILA VIKAS SANSTHAN (MSEMVS) is non-governmental organization. It was established in 1990 under guidance of veteran Social Scientist and Vice Chancellor of Mahatama Gandhi Kashi Vidhyapeeth & Member of Parliament Prof. Raja Ram Sashtri.
MSEMVS Initiate to empower people and enhance the transformation of society ever striving towards building on inclusive, participatory, harmonious & just society by ensuring that they have equal access not only to the goods and services but also the skills necessary for realizing their full human potential.
To realize this vision, MSEMVS works towards increasing the participation of the most deprived sections of society in mainstream development processes through:
1. Empowerment of women and children;
2. Capacity building of the existing community structures;
3. Strengthening the community leadership capacities of the community members to reach to the services.
4. Support to Govt. structures and front line service providers in service delivery.
MSEMVS has been working on the issues of child welfare, education, health and livilihood focusing children , women and marginalized population. MSEMVS has been working on the issues of prevention of bonded labour, debt bondage, child labour and human trafficking through protection and prevention initiatives since 1996.
On 16th December 1996, Supreme Court of India given a historical Judgment on child labour, the enforcement agencies speeded up their efforts to get the children out from hazardous work. A number of child labour rescued from carpet also without any effective mechanism of their rehabilitation. MSEMVS realized that in absence of proper rehabilitation the children would again be moved to work. MSEMVS started 1st ever its Transitional School in one village in 1996 and during last Two decades MSEMVS have supported more than 8000 children and adults who have come out from child labour, bonded labour and huamn trafficking. MSEMVS has adopted a comprehensive approach to serve the childen and families. MSEMVS focuses its efforts to services releted to Education, Health and Livelihood are on focus.